Tangled is lovely to look at, but if you're not a pre-teen girl, you may be distracted by the split ends.. The script, instead of being what we tolerate in order to savor the visuals, is a delight all by itself.. A teeter-totter between O.K. and Meh.. Banal, shallow and markedly cynical.. This romantic fantasy complicates the roles of beauty and beast, making it hard to guess what form a sensitive resolution will take.. In an era when much on film seems old, Shrek seems new and fresh and clever....
Shrek - Der tollkühne Held (2001) Film Abspielen
Sinbad - Der Herr der sieben Meere (2003) Online-Streaming-
Sinbad is rich with ideas and images.. Business-as-usual movie that isn't trying to make anything more than a medium-size splash.. The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well above your ordinary action movie.. The effects are competent, the action has exciting moments and the story is interesting enough, but the parts don't add up to a compelling sum.. This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Thanks for your movie info.. [Lacks] the sparkle and inventiveness ...
Strange Magic (2015) Download Film
Doesn't try to be more than what it is: a romantic fantasy caper.. A banal slice of fluff.. A jaw-droppingly terrible animated musical that mismatches George Lucas' inane story about a pair of fairy princesses to an oddball selection of the "Star Wars'' creator's favorite pop tunes.. "Strange Magic," the new animated musical fairy tale from the mind and the mixtape of George Lucas, is indeed strange. What's missing is the magic.. The movie maintains its own level of oddball invention that at lea...
Lügen haben kurze Beine (2002) Film-Streaming
Sorry. Started to doze off.. If you're a fan, you won't be disappointed.. In gleefully, thumpingly hyperbolic terms, it covers just about every cliche in the compendium about crass, jaded movie types and the phony baloney movie biz.. Its winning formula is driven not by narrative but by what isn't there: no sex, no drugs, and no rock and roll-- unless you count the logjam of thundering power ballads.. The movie's big action scenes ... make you forget you're even watching animation.. . Never push...
Alvin und die Chipmunks 3 - Chipbruch (2011) Beobachten Film
Flails about in search of a creative reason to exist.. . Largely inoffensive but equally unimaginative.. 87 minutes of high-pitched singing, shenanigans, bad behaviour and family bonding, enlivened by a decent Sarah Palin joke.. In the end, I'd rather hang onto fond memories of my Eisenhower-era record, squeaky voices and all.. There is chipmunk gambling. There is seductive dancing by Chipettes wearing only towels. There is a musical gag involving the lyric "whip my tail back and forth.". "Chipw...
Shaun das Schaf - Der Film (2015) Wiedergabe Von Streaming-
Secondhand Lions manages to squander the services of seasoned vets Michael Caine and Robert Duvall, and promising newcomer Haley Joel Osment, with a tale that is dramatically false and disturbingly vicious.. ... Michael Caine is badly miscast in this movie. I didn't believe him for one second in that role.. The Muppets is a triumph of simplicity, innocence and goofy jokes. It's a triumph of felt.. It may not entirely work as a movie, but The Muppets shines as a piece of touching pop nostalgia.. ...
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Friendship Games (2015) Wiedergabe Von Streaming-
A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. I really like this movie. thank you. Thank you for giving information about the film. this a good movie to be watched for sure.. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to del...
Planes 2 - Immer im Einsatz (2014) Streaming-
The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well above your ordinary action movie.. Thank you for giving information about the film. this a good movie to be watched for sure.. Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. A masterpiece of genre film-making, really w...
Happy Feet 2 (2011) Download Voll
Flushed Away subsumes its British charm with an aggressive American pace and more obvious body-function humour, and the film shows evidence of an awkward fit between American and British sensibilities.. If it weren't for the comic relief provided by Will and Bill, tiny shrimplike crustaceans known as krill and voiced by Brad Pitt and Matt Damon, this would be a forbidding return to Antarctica indeed.. Follows in the original's footsteps on a more reasonable scale while sparing audiences an emoti...
Lilo & Stitch (2002) Film-Streaming
. The plot movement feels very much like an unpleasant formality, shoved forward by tiresome devices.. . While dutifully pulling on heartstrings, directors Dean Deblois and Chris Sanders valiantly keep punching up the mix.. It is good, clean fun and likely does not spell the end of Western civilization.. A refreshingly low-tech cartoon.. The best Lucas film in 25 years: funny, idiosyncratic, hippy-dippy, packed with creatures and visions worth beholding.. . A tiresome feature that could be made ...
Fan Girl (2015) Streaming-
This movie is an epic action movie that I believe in a few years from now shall be more appreciated than it is today !!. The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and its thrilling to behold.. Every minute of this action packed movie is amazing. This is the single best movie I have ever seen. All of the actors do great jobs at their roles from the villains to the side characters they all give convincin...
Der Kindergarten Daddy (2003) Film Abspielen
I don't know whether [Murphy] has lost his mojo, or just his edge. I just hope he finds it before his next movie.. This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Thanks for your movie info.. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. . Every minute of this action packed movie is amazing. This is the single best movie I have ever seen. All of the actors do great ...
Die Bestimmer - Kinder haften für ihre Eltern (2012) Film Abspielen
I can't deny I did feel fonder of my own family afterward, mostly because I know none of them would ever make me sit through Parental Guidance.. I really like this movie. thank you. This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Thanks for your movie info.. Parental Guidance is an engaging comedy that bridges multiple generation gaps, making it that rare movie that grandparents, their kids, and their kids can enjoy.. One of those intergenerational embarrassment comedies in the Meet the Fockers l...
Alvin und die Chipmunks 2 (2009) Film Abspielen
I really like this movie. thank you. . . Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. Little kids will love it. You'll need a hazmat suit.. Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and its thrilling to behold.. Sugarman directs this cheerful movie as if i...
Annie (2014) Wiedergabe Von Streaming-
Most of the cast can't sing or dance, and Gluck, who co-wrote the screenplay, has no clue why this story has endured.. Tangled is bound to be a hit with its target audience, and will keep parents entertained.. Despite any reservations about the music, it is a charming, lovely little movie.. Tangled braids strands of traditional storytelling and a contemporary sensibility with stylish if predictable results.. Tangled, Disney's 50th animated feature, is a splendid tribute to the best moments from ...
Alvin und die Chipmunks - Der Film (2007) Streaming-
Young viewers will enjoy the slapstick, while parents will relate to Lee's amiable frustration as the trio's surrogate dad.. . The museum sparkles, but the movie is awfully dull.. The result is pretty much a free-form traffic jam in which everyone fights everyone else.. Azaria pretty much steals the show.. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian seems to go on for several days and nights, though in fact it lasts just 105 minutes. I checked my watch. A lot.. Oh, come on. Do you really care...
Bekenntnisse einer High School Diva (2004) Beobachten Film
A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. Riddled with contradictions, preachiness, implausibilities, false starts and wrong turns, it tells a choppy, incoherent tale without an ounce of charm or wit.. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced ...